Title: Dear Jane
Author: Kendall Ryan
Release Date: October 15, 2018
I broke her heart ten years ago and left town. She hates me, and rightly so. It doesn’t matter that the rest of the country loves me, that I’m a starting quarterback with a multimillion-dollar contract. Because when I look in the mirror, all I see is a failure who was too young—and too afraid—to fight for what I wanted. But I’m not that guy anymore, and all I need is one shot to convince her. *** He has no idea what happened after he left. And now I’m supposed to work alongside him like we don’t have this huge, messy history? But I’m older now, wiser, and I won’t let anything stand in my way of doing a good job for this league. Not even one overpaid, arrogant player who thinks we’re going to kiss and make up. News flash, buddy: I am over you.
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A New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 1.5 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. She's a traditionally published author with Simon & Schuster and Harper Collins UK, as well as an independently published author. Since she first began self-publishing in 2012, she's appeared at #1 on Barnes & Noble and iBooks charts around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than three dozen times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine.
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I LOVE a good second-chance love story and when you combine one with a sexy football player you instantly have my attention.
Athletic, successful, and built like a brick wall, Wes is unforgettable and definitely hard to ignore. But underneath all that brawn is a man whose sweet, caring, and capable of so much more than he gives himself credit for. Because of this, you can add irresistible to his list of attributes.
Jane is awesome! Not only does she have the most amazing job but she didn't use who she is to get it. She works hard for what she has and won't settle for less than she deserves. She had integrity, drive, and passion for both the players and the game and for me that made her instantly likable.
I loved watching these two rekindle their romance from years past. The chemistry is still there and you really get that the feelings between these two run deep. This one pulled me through all the feels and I loved every second of it.