RELEASE BLITZ & REVIEW Title: The Edge of Us Author: Veronica Larsen Release Date: August 1, 2017
Eight years ago, Cole Van Buren left me at the altar without a single explanation. My heart’s been at a standstill ever since, the anger keeping me from moving on. Keeping me from seeing the man who’s been right in front of me all this time… Andrew’s been the friend I needed, the one constant through the hardest times of my life. But one night, the lines blur and we’re tipped into something more. Just when I’m ready to explore what we could be… My ex comes back. Cole says he didn’t come to get me back, but I should know better. The answers he dangles overhead are the ones I need to finally let go. Except there’s no such thing as closure, only a past that wants to pull you backward.

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About the Author
Veronica Larsen began writing around the age of seven, scribbling Nancy Drew-like stories between the margins of composition notebooks. Her journey into the romance genre began once upon a long military deployment when she penned a steamy romance for her husband, a US Marine. This story eventually turned into her debut novel Entangle. She fell in love with writing romance and hasn't looked back since. Her novels are known to feature engaging story-lines, relatable characters that tap into heart-tugging truths, and a tangible chemistry that builds throughout the story. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, which has come in handy in resolving the messy lives of the fictional people in her head.

Connect with Veronica
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This book. Just. Wow.
Veronica Larsen has weaved a tale so intriguing you won't be able to put the book down until you've finished.
This story is fantastic. Following Mila through her journey, you become immersed in her character. You feel her heartbreak, her confusion, her anger, love, lust, and everything in between. She's looking for the one thing I think we all can relate to: the “why” something happened. She's never had that closure she's needed to move on.
But her story is not without complications. Cole may be the love of her life, but his past indiscretions keep him at a distance from her heart. On paper, Andrew is the perfect match for Mila, but their friendship may be more than she's willing to risk.
But as the parts of the story unfold, it becomes clear what she needs. Grab your tissues, because this book will break you, and then put you back together. It's a story that will leave you both satisfied and desperately wanting more. I certainly hope this isn't the last time the author revisits these characters. I'd love for a couple of secondary characters to get their own stories.
Don't pass this book up. It's a fabulous five-star read.