RELEASE BLITZ Title: Swink Series: Landry Family #5 Author: Adriana Locke Genre: A Standalone Bad Boy / Good Girl Romance Release Date: July 21, 2017
I’m that guy.
Camilla Landry rustles against me, the silky fabric of her overpriced lingerie slipping along my bruised rib. The porcelain perfection of her skin is even more innocent against the colorful ink dotting my own. It’s demure meets damage, pampered meets punctured.
So, yeah, it’s obvious I’m that guy. Dominic Hughes. Her attempt at rebellion. Her bid to see what the other side of the tracks feel like. I’m okay with being used because, from where I’m sitting, the other side of the tracks have never looked so good. GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32342137-swink

PURCHASE LINKS US: http://1click.bz/SwinkAMZNUS UK: http://1click.bz/SwinkAMZNUK CA: http://1click.bz/SwinkAMZNCA AU: http://1click.bz/SwinkAMZNAU Free in Kindle Unlimited

He’s standing in the doorway, one hand on the sweatpants that hang just below his chiseled hips and the other leans on the frame. The tattoos that mark his flesh are vivid against his bare skin, making the blues of his eyes shine. He flashes a lopsided smile my way. “Took you long enough.”
“I don’t drive like a bat out of hell,” I laugh, stepping past him. “Did you shower already?”
“Yeah. I smelled like gym floors.”
“As long as you don’t smell like gym whores,” I say, setting the bags on the table in the kitchen.
His laugh is contagious and I feel myself smiling. A set of arms cage me in from behind, grasping the table on both sides of me. My skin breaks out in a shiver as his lips find the sensitive spot behind my ear.
His face buries in the crook of my neck and he takes a long, leisurely breath. “You smell so good.”
“Keep doing that,” I say, relaxing my head onto his chest.
“Talking with your mouth against me.”
“You like this?” he asks all breathily so that each word whispers across my skin.
My eyes fall closed as I relish in this moment of nothing but him. “No, I love this.”
“Can I tell you a little secret?”
“As long as you keep talking, you can tell me whatever you want.”
He chuckles, dotting kisses up and down my neck. “I love this too, feeling your body give up the fight of the day and let me take over.” He turns me in his arms so I’m facing him. “I love that you trust me enough to let your shoulders sink out of that perfect posture you walk around with.”
As he reaches up and undoes the elastic in my hair, I watch his features soften. He moves carefully, unwrapping the tie from the twisted mess in my locks, careful not to pull.
“There,” he says, cupping the back of my head through my long tresses, “that’s better.”
“You don’t like my hair up?”
“Not like you had it. You look too lunching-y,” he says, wrinkling his nose.
“Yes,” he grins.
“You are too cute.”
“You are too fucking sexy.”
Reaching up, I swipe the pad of my thumb over the cut above his eye. He flinches, but just for a second. “What happened?”
“Bond’s right hand.”
“I hate him.”
“So do I,” he snickers.
“Let’s get some ice for it.”
He leans in, his brows tugging together. “Let’s not.” His eyes hood as he takes me in, his tongue darting out and wetting his lips. My knees weaken, my body humming with delight at his reaction.
“I want to take care of you,” I whisper, although that’s really on the backburner now. “Let me baby you.”
Instead, he lifts me up and places me on the table. My stomach clenches as he positions himself between my thighs, my sundress curling at my waist. I ring my legs around him, pulling him so close that the soft cotton of his sweatpants rubs against my opening.
He looks down. “You aren’t wearing panties.”

ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE LANDRY FAMILY SERIES All ebooks free in Kindle Unlimited

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#2 Swing US: http://amzn.to/2ucarah UK: http://amzn.to/2gU6uSB CA: http://amzn.to/2gKF6RP AU: http://amzn.to/2hakm7c

#3 Switch US: http://amzn.to/2th6RZi UK: http://amzn.to/2lXYwd2 CA: http://amzn.to/2kNjqGU AU: http://amzn.to/2kWI9cG

#4 Swear
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USA Today Bestselling author Adriana Locke lives and breathes books. After years of slightly obsessive relationships with the flawed bad boys created by other authors, Adriana has created her own. She resides in the Midwest with her husband, sons, and two dogs. She spends a large amount of time playing with her kids, drinking coffee, and cooking. You can find her outside if the weather's nice and there's always a piece of candy in her pocket.
Website: http://www.adrianalocke.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authoradrianalocke Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorALocke Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8379774.Adriana_Locke Instagram: https://instagram.com/authoradrianalocke Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/authoradrianalo/ Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Adriana-Locke/e/B00NPBY8FE Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/booksbyadrianalocke Goodreads Group: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/159694-all-locked-up Newsletter: http://www.adrianalocke.com/

If you love the Landry men (and we all do), get ready to meet the one man that can rival them in ALL things sexy and alpha!
If you’ve followed the series so far (and seriously, you NEED this series in your life) we’ve all been secretly waiting to meet Cam’s mystery man. Well, Dominic Hughes is finally here, and yeah, he’s everything we could have hoped for.
Dom is sexy, tough, and rough around the edges. He’s a fighter in every sense of the word. He’s loyal and protective, but for all his good qualities, Dom still doesn’t think he’s good enough for the likes of Camilla Landry. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Cam is amazing. I love her! She’s got that refined quality all the Landrys seem to possess, but underneath all her prim and proper, she’s just a regular girl with a heart of gold, struggling with the same issues and insecurities that the rest of us have.
Put these two together, and their dynamic just works. The push, the pull, the heartbreaking moments, and the heartwarming ones - their story is fantastic. They’re perfect for each other.
And let’s not forget: where there is one Landry, you can be sure there will be more. ALL of our favorites make an appearance, making you fall in love with this family even more. This is definitely another five-star read in this series!