Title: Going Up
Series: The Elevator #2 (Standalone)
Author: Katherine Stevens
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: March 6, 2017
Margaret Vincent Foster came into the world with two things: money and a rebellious streak. She can’t find the love of her life, so she fills the void by dating characters you would normally only find in the drunk tank on a full moon. She’s the girl your parents never thought to warn you about. She will steal your heart, and maybe a little bit of your soul.
Maggie’s only goal is to not end up like her socialite parents and their friends. They want her to settle down and be comfortable, and all Maggie can think about is a boy in a Star Wars costume she met half a lifetime ago. Her prized velvet Elvis and celebrity hair clippings in tow, she drags everyone along as she carves her own path in the world.
When others are going down, Maggie is going up.

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Other books in this series

Going Down
Elevator #1
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2mqzKBN
Free on Kindle Unlimited

Getting Off
Elevator #1.5
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2mtnAIF
Free on Kindle Unlimited


Felony Ever After
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2lPvQiU
Free in Kindle Unlimited

When Katherine Stevens isn’t writing, she can usually be found opening juice boxes and looking for lost shoes. Her kids keep her quite busy and always zig-zagging across the line of sanity. She is a lifelong Texan with a terrible sense of direction and even worse memory. She thinks life is entirely too hard if you don't laugh your way through it. As a child, she dreamed of being the most sarcastic astronaut in history, but her poor math skills and aversion to dehydrated food kept her out of the space program. Now she writes to pass the time until NASA lowers their standards. Your move, NASA.
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/1X4iH5l
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/katherine.fluffypants
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKatherineStevens
Twitter: https://twitter.com/texaskatherine

Get ready to laugh your butt off!
If you loved the hilarious mess that is Cole and Cici from Going Down (and Getting Off), you are going to flip for Maggie and Finn.
Maggie is one of a kind. She marches to the beat of her own drum and some people are just lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) to get caught in the crossfire. She's loud, quirky, opinionated, and nothing like the refined socialite she was intended to be. There's no one out there that can match her level of crazy.
Or is there?
Though she only met him once, for the briefest of time, Maggie knows Finn was the perfect guy for her.
Ah, Finn... The nerdy, quirky, adorable apple of Maggie's eye is all grown up now and who knew he'd turn out to be sooooo sexy?
I LOVED this story! I can't tell you how many times I had to explain to my husband why I was laughing out loud. Do yourself a favor and snag this book, pronto. Get lost in Maggie's shenanigans and get pulled into a heartwarming story you never saw coming!
Five fantastically hilarious stars!!!