Number of books in this series: 2
Pucked Up
Theme: M/F
Miller “Buck” Butterson has been banging his way through life ever since a puck to the face fixed his messed up front teeth. After five years in the NHL, deflecting goals on the ice and scoring them with puck bunnies, Miller has decided he’s ready for a girlfriend. A real, non-bunny girlfriend to take on dates, and not jump into bed with after five seconds of conversation. Miller thinks he’s found that woman in his teammate’s sister. Except, unlike team captain and all-around nice guy Alex Waters—who happens to date his stepsister, Miller’s media reputation as a manwhore is well earned. Beyond that minor detail, Miller doesn’t know the first thing about relationships or the time and effort they require. Miller learns—eventually—that if he wants to make Sunshine “Sunny” Waters fall for him, he's going to have to do a whole lot more than show her his stick skills in the bedroom.


I know what you're thinking. Could Helena Hunting ever make another story just as funny, quirky, and naughty as Pucked?
The answer to that question is HELL YES!!!
You go into this story thinking, "Can Buck possibly be a good guy under all that
yeti-ness? YES! You may not think it's possible but you're gonna fall in love with Miller Butterson. He's sweet, charming, loveable, sexy, naughty, and he has the best intentions, even though they don't always work out the way he'd like.
Some of the situations he finds himself in are pretty crazy, but he's definitely not as dumb as most people think. He has an absolute heart of gold and is really doing his best to change his playboy image and be the good guy on the outside that he is on the inside.
This book is absolutely laugh out loud hilarious at certain times. And don't worry if you didn't get enough Violet and Alex in Pucked. Our favorite couple makes a few appearances in this book. And the fun doesn't stop here. There's obviously still plenty of story to tell with this group of people. Pucked Over (Randy and Lily) is due to be released sometime in January 2016!!!
Absolutely in love with this series! Hurry and catch up on these two books before the next one comes out. If it turns out anything like the first two, we're all in for a real treat....
A link to the author's website can be found here....