Number of books in this series: 3
Game Play
Back In Play
Penalty Play
Theme: M/F
Aside from a sexy bad boy rocker novel, sports stories are my other favorite. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey - you name it. I love sports and I love naughty novels revolved around them.
So I recently picked up an ARC for the third book in this series and decided that I needed to read the other two first. When I finished book one I realized there is actually another book that goes with her Power Play series that takes place before book one. It's in the middle of her Wicked Play series - book 6 called Bonds of Courage. So, I'm definitely going to have to read that one and the rest of that series as well... It looks really hot!
Anyway, getting back on track, the Power Play series revolves around the Minnesota Glaciers hockey team and their sexy players.
Dylan Rylie is the sexy southern defenseman of the Glaciers. During a charity event, he meets the "it" girl of women's collegiate hockey. Samantha issues a challenge to Dylan that he just can't refuse, and her moves on and off the ice have him completely befuddled.
I'm absolutely in love with this series so far. This turned out to be a really great read. I can't wait to see what the other books have in store. Book two starts tonight and if it's anything like the first one, I'll be binge reading all night! Sleep is totally overrated, right? ; )